LiNKiT Courses

Spoken English Courses with LiNKiT Languages

There is no magic pill to learn English, but you are lucky that I am here and I have my own system so that you can finally understand, speak and write my language well!


I’m very sorry to say it, but the only downside is that the only way to learn something well is to REPEAT IT! By this I mean that, you don’t know, if you have to think of a pronoun, a verb, a complement … That is the cruel reality and period, sorry, but it is like that.


These lessons below are specifically made for Spanish speakers, however they will / should translate in to every other language because we all want to say the same thing in one way or another.

Lesson 1
2 Personal details
Lesson 2
3 Asking for & giving dirctions
Lesson 3
3+ Extra
Lesson 3 Extra
4 The alphabet and numbers
Lesson 4
5 Ordering food and drink
Lesson 5
6 Asking for and giving the time
Lesson 6
7 Holidays
Lesson 7